Drug Addiction Questions
Drug Addiction Questions
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Common Drug Addiction Questions and Answers
What is drug
The dividing line between drug abuse and drug addiction can
be rather fine sometimes, but simply put, drug addiction is the point at which
the user has developed a psychological or physiological dependence on a
substance and can no longer make the choice whether or not to use.
What is drug abuse?
Drug abuse is using any drug for something other than its
intended purpose, or using it improperly.
That can include using too much prescription medication, or using it too
often, other than the prescribed way as directed by the doctor. It is using alcohol to the point where you
get intoxicated. Drug abuse is a
conscious choice.
Not all agree with our answers to these drug addiction questions but most do.
Do all people who use
drugs for recreation become addicts?
No. There are many factors that go into addiction, such as
genetics, personality and of course the substance itself. Not everybody who drinks is an alcoholic and
not everybody who uses heroin for recreation will become an addict. It’s an
individual occurrence. People are born
with the inclination to abuse and become addicted, but it is not until the
substance is introduced to the brain that the cycle begins.
Is drug addiction a
Yes. Drug addiction
and alcoholism are diseases of the brain. It also cause moral changes and affects a person’s whole being.
Is drug addiction a
Nobody sets out in life to become an addict. The short answer is no. But there is an on-going debate about this
and there are strong arguments on both sides of the issue. The insanity of drug addiction and alcoholism
is in the self-destructive nature of the disease, as people will use regardless
of the consequences. They will ignore
reason, medical fact and all forms of warning.
Bottom line, people do have to make free will decisions to act in their
own best interest.
These are controversial drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.
Is there a cure for drug
No. Drug addiction
and alcoholism are chronic diseases for which there is no cure. However, the disease can be managed and
people can live healthy, productive lives with treatment and support.
If I am an addict am
I not just hurting myself and not anybody else?
No. Drug addiction
and alcoholism are family diseases and the ones who love the addict/alcoholic
are all impacted. Friends, co-workers
can likewise suffer when someone they care about is causing harm.
Does drug addiction
damage the brain?
It can. Prolonged use
of drugs and alcohol can cause permanent brain damage. In some cases treatment and recovery can lead
to the reversal of negative effects. These are controversial drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.
Is the brain damage
Prolonged use of drugs can cause irreversible damage to the
brain, including but not limited to the ability to reason, memory, physical
coordination, and a host of physiological maladies. These are controversial drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.
How drug addiction happen?
Imagine a cycle of events. When people have a pleasurable
experience with a drug, they want to repeat that experience. Over time they
build a tolerance to the drug. Over time
they can develop a psychological and physiological dependence. Drug addiction is the end result of a
sequence of events. These are controversial drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.
What drugs are abused
the most?
In the United
States, by far the most abused drug is
alcohol, followed closely by nicotine (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, etc.). The most widely abused illegal drug is
What are the
long-term effects of alcohol on the body?
Alcohol is extremely toxic.
Long term it will cause liver, kidney and heart disease, hypertension,
respiratory distress, and contribute significantly to the deterioration of the
alcoholic’s overall state of health and well being.
What causes an
As people continue to use a drug they will build up a
tolerance to it. For example, regardless
of the substance, cocaine, alcohol, whatever, it will take more of that
substance to achieve the desired effects.
They will use more. It some point, the brain can only take so much, or
there is alcohol poisoning, or other side effects come into play such as heart
attack, stroke, or respiratory failure.
If a person has built up a tolerance and they quit for a period of time
the body will lose the tolerance, the brain begins to change back. Their brain is trying to re-adjust back to the way it was before they ever used. If
they go back to using at the same level, that might cause overdose, because the changes in the brain will no longer allow them to tolerate the same level of use. Everybody is different, each brain is unique. Some people will overdose on a seemingly
small amount of the drug the first time they take it.
These are non-standard drug addiction questions and answers but this represents the opinion of this website.
What is the best way
to pass a drug screening test?
Don’t use the drug.
Is marijuana addictive?
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse it is.
There is a raging debate on this issue, as people who defend the use of
marijuana will argue to the mat that it is not addictive. Studies show otherwise. They show it can be addictive for roughly 10% of the people who use it.
Can you overdose on
No. There is no
proof that it is possible.
Who is most likely to
use illegal drugs?
Teenagers from suburban, middle class families. Young middle-class adults are also high on the
Aren’t addicts just
hurting themselves?
Addiction/alcoholism impacts the entire family. This diseases causes loss of working hours,
costs hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency room visits, puts strain on
law enforcement and the legal system, and in general ruins lives. The addict/alcoholic hurts everybody who
cares about them and negatively impacts those he/she comes into contact with
while under the influence.
What can a person do
when someone they care about is addicted?
Because addiction is a family disease, people need help and
support. Groups like Al-Anon are
excellent sources for emotional and psychological support, as well as guidance
and advice.
That completes this section on Drug Addiction Questions; visit our home page for more information or return to Drug Addiction Causes.
and Finally Remember:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8
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