My brother is a drug addict

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My brother is a drug addict

by Sherry


My brother is addicted to cocaine and prescription drugs and has been addicted to crack cocaine on and off since he was 16 years old.

He is now 31 and I don’t know how much more I can continue to try to support him throughout his mistakes in life! I’ve already sacrificed way more than I should ever had to in my life for him and have been continually hurt by him and his actions!

I’m desperate for advice and direction with him!

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Probably needs EXTENDED in-patient treatment and then sober living facility

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Sherry,

Drug addiction is a VERY frustrating disease and I can hear the frustration in your question. Because your brother is addicted to more than one substance and has been using for most of his life, addiction recovery will be much more difficult for him.

Addiction is a disease of the brain and once a person becomes addicted their emotional development stops. That means that your brother has the emotional development of a teenager and is likely not capable of adult reasoning.

He probably needs long-term (at least six months) of in-patient treatment where he can’t use at all. Once he completes his in-patient treatment he needs to live in a sober-living halfway house where he is constantly tested for compliance.

The Salvation Army has excellent programs as well as Teen Challenge and both programs are free. You may want to consider doing an intervention with him and giving him the choice of treatment or total disconnection from you and the rest of his family.

I would also recommend you begin to attend Al-anon meetings at least three times a week. As you begin working the 12 steps you will learn what he needs to do to move away from his addiction and into recovery. Try to find a sponsor to help you to figure how to best help your brother.

Also, try to get him to go to meetings with you, hopefully he will realize that drug addiction is a fatal disease and he must stop using to survive.

I know you are at the end of your rope but try to get the help and support you and your brother need and don’t give up hope. If possible, hate the addiction but love the person.

Good Luck!


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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