Husband shooting me up with ecstasy?

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Husband shooting me up with ecstasy?

by Carla


How can I submit to my Christian husband who won’t stop shooting me up with ecstasy?

I cannot use narcotics, but I have a Christian husband who won’t stop shooting me up behind my back with ecstasy, I cannot submit to him.

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Submission often misunderstood

by: Debbie Wicker

When the Bible speaks of a wife “submitting” to her husband it is in the context of a healthy, mutual relationship. Often women can become very “bossy”, judgmental and rude to their husband. They insult and belittle their husband and don’t respect him as a mutual partner. This is why the Bible instructs women to submit to their husband and instructs husbands to love their wife.

As a Christian we are NEVER called to submit to wrong doing or evil. Use of any narcotic is wrong and totally against God’s law and you should do what ever is necessary to stop your husband from forcing you to use an illegal narcotic. You may have to separate from him for a while until he stops forcing you to use.

Your husband sounds like he needs mental health support so you should also try to get him to a counselor for an assessment of he issues. ANY forced illegal drug use is a violent act and MUST be addressed quickly with serious action taken immediately.

Good luck and may God be with you as you work through this dangerous and serious problem.

God works in mysterious ways!

by: Anonymous

It sounds like you are a very ungrateful person. We all need to be grateful for the gifts we are given along our path in life. We are all God’s creatures, therefore what your husband is giving you is a gift from God. So from now on count your blessings. It may not be dope or speed like you were hoping for, but it’s better than nothing. God bless and good luck on your journey

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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