Drug Addiction Questions

Drug Addiction Questions

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Drug Addiction Questions

Why should I go to a support group meeting?

Many people are afraid to go to a meeting. Moreover, many people are afraid even to talk about going to a meeting. Perhaps it is the shame attached to being an addict, or being a family member. Perhaps a person is just shy and finds the idea of going to a group overwhelming. Perhaps a person firmly believes he/she can overcome any problem on his/her own and does not need or desire the company of others. There are hundreds of reasons why you can’t or don’t want to go to a meeting.

Since Alcoholics Anonymous developed the 12-Step Recovery in the late 1930’s, over 250 self-help groups have used this approach, and part of that approach requires contact with other people. Why do all these groups meet? Put the 12-Step aside for a moment. Why would you go to a group of people you don’t know to share your inner most secrets or fears?

The value of other people

This may sound silly, but it could be for the same reason this writer is a member of the Wisconsin Umpires Association. I go for training. I go for access to those who schedule games. I go because everybody in the room is an umpire. Some do NCAA games, or even professional. Some do local recreational league games, or what I like to call “ankle biters.” There is commonality and we all understand each other. We share “horror” stories, we laugh, we complain a lot about coaches and players, but we’re all on the same page because we are a fraternity.

Try it you’ll like it

If a person can overcome his/her reluctance to attend a support group meeting, the chances are very high that he/she will receive a warm welcome, understanding and compassion. Maybe you’re not a “group person” and would rather listen and not talk. It’s OK. Maybe you’d be more comfortable observing and gathering information. That’s OK too. You’re probably afraid that somebody is not going to approve of what you say, or criticize you for something. Maybe you’re afraid of being rejected, or laughed at. If you’re an addict, or the spouse of an addict, believe me, nobody in the room is looking to put you down because they are just like you.

What you get

I facilitate spirituality groups for recovering addicts. Over the years I have seen how they interact with each other, how there is a bond between them. They are on the same path and share so many life experiences. The meetings that are the most meaningful, at least for me, are the ones when the group members engage each other and offer support and understanding. That’s what you get and that’s why you should go.

For more Drug Addiction Questions and answers go to Treatment

Another very common question:

Where do I start and how can I get help?

I’m a 45 year old husband and father. I’m an alcoholic and drug addict. I
consider myself very fortunately blessed but all is coming down fast…
just found out my wife is cheating and she’s an alcoholic as well. I’ve
got my own small business, she’s a teacher What to do?

Our Answer:

Start your recovery today!

So very sorry that you’re in such a difficult
and dire circumstance. But I’m glad you’ve chosen to reach out and admit
that you life is out of control and totally unmanageable.

My recommendation is that you find a local AA or NA meeting and go
TODAY. There are usually a lot of great meetings Friday nights and you
can begin to work the 12-steps. Just go to the meeting and listen and
open your mind and heart to what is being said.

You are blessed and you can get through this, but no alone. You need
the help of others who have been right where you’re at and know the
path back to a life worth living.

Go to 90 meetings in 90 days, work the steps and find a sponsor. You
will learn how to move past your addiction and connect with others who
you will be able to lean on for moral support to help you stay sober.

Going to meetings is the best thing you can do for yourself and your
family. Hopefully, once you’re working the steps your wife will be
willing to start going to meetings too, and together you can rebuild
your relationship and your life.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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