How can I make him stop smoking crack?

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How can I make him stop smoking crack?

by Mandy

I am at a loss as to what to do to make him stop smoking crack. He stops and starts and binges. It’s awful to watch him look so thin and make promises that he can stop.

I am getting to the point of not caring anymore and I don’t want to give up on him as I am in love with him. But the weekend binges are now turning into mornings . He works night shift, and sometimes doesn’t come home from them and goes to smoke.

He says he isn’t a junky. I say no.. you’re an addict. He says he should get help but doesn’t try. He says:

“If I want to do it then I will and I can stop when I want.”

But he never does. The longest he can go without it is a week if that. I am worried for his health now. Please can I call someone to get some support?

Thank you Regards. Mandy

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The short answer is you can’t MAKE him do anything.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Mandy,

I would venture to say that everyone who has ever been an addict has made the statement:

“I can quit anytime I want to, I’m not addicted.”

The sad reality of addiction is that once addicted our brain is taken over by the drug and we loose total control. Generally, we can’t stop without outside help and support.

From your brief description of the situation, it sounds like he is addicted to crack. If he is addicted, he will continue to need more and more crack to feel good and the drug will take over his entire life.

I recommend that you find some Al-anon meetings in your area and begin attending them and working the 12 step program. The 12 steps help us to understand addiction better and to learn how to love the addict but hate their addiction.

Many Al-anon meetings are held at churches and as you attend the meetings, hopefully, you will find the love and support you need to work through the best way to help him WANT to end his addiction.

Once you’re attending meetings and working the steps, invite him to attend with you. If both of you are working the steps his chances for recovery will increase significantly.

To find meetings in your area search on “Al-anon meetings and the name of your city/town”.

Please start working the steps and begin helping your loved one to move past this awful disease,


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and Finally Remember:

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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