Hypodermic needle found

by Erin


I was taken in 2 weeks ago for possession of a hypodermic needle. I wasn’t arrested but received a ticket to appear in court. I am a heroin addict and have been using on and off for the past year.

This May Be A Blessing

by: Ned Wicker

You have to make an appearance because of the ticket for posession of a hypodermic needle, but this could be a blessing in disguise.

Do you want to get clean?

Maybe this is your wakeup call to go into treatment, receive some help and get back to living a sober life.

The next time you run afoul of the law, it may be for something far more serious. One way or another, the drug use will only ruin your life, so why not heed the warning and take positive action by calling your doctor, or a local treatment center?

It sounds like you might have received a good break.

Hypodermic needle found

by: Lynette


I definitely agree with Ned’s comments.

Heroin addiction can be so devastating. My brother-in-law died of an overdose.

Heroin is nothing to play around with.

I strongly suggest you speak to someone about your use-a medical doctor, counselor, etc.-and ask them what to do. I know that some hospitals have detox units.

Also, you should attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings (they talk about drug addiction too) and/or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. There you will meet others with the same or similar problems as yourself.

My son has been dealing with drug abuse for 13 years. I attend Al Anon meetings-for friends and families of alcoholics and drug addicts. It helps me a lot.

I pray that you get the help you need.-Lynette

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