I am an addict.

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I am an addict.

by Alex F

(Boston Massachusetts )

My name is Alex. I am a heroine addict, about 3 1/2 months ago I went to a month long residential program and I had two months clean.

I relapsed about three weeks ago and I am trying to get back on the right path without having to go back to another residential program because I have no way to pay for it. I don’t know what to do and I am afraid that I will never be able to stop…

Please, anything you can tell me to help would be appreciated.

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Addict Alex

by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear your struggles. I can only suggest constant prayer and surround yourself with non-users. Confide in them your struggles and don’t be afraid to ask for help. I’m not a therapist so this is all I can tell you. I will pray for strength for you.

Relapse is part of recovery

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Alex,

Heroin addiction is a very difficult disease and one that will take everything you have to overcome. The fact that you were able to stay clean for two months is an excellent indicator that you can beat this addiction.

Often after someone leaves in-patient/residential treatment they slowly fall back into old habits and they begin to start using again as part of settling into old patterns. In order to stop using you must break these patterns and define a new life for yourself with new interests, new friends and a new outlook on life.

Addiction recovery is about renewing your hope in yourself and getting your life back on track. Defining your life rather than allowing the drug to define you.

The best way I know to do that is to go to 12 step meetings DAILY!!!! Try four or five different meeting until you find one or two that suit you. I am not aware of ANYONE who has beat a heroin or other drug addiction without embracing the 12 steps.

Get a copy of the AA big book which is available FREE online and read it cover to cover. Go to meetings and find a sponsor who has beat heroin addiction and who is willing to work with you daily to beat your addiction.

You do not have to have stopped using to begin the 12 step process, but if you go to meetings and start to really work the steps you can stop using and define a new life for yourself free from addiction.

The 12 step program is free and scientific research shows it to be one of the most successful treatments for those struggling with addiction.

I would also recommend you’re honest with everyone around you about your relapse and find a network of support that is healthy and has your best interests in mind. Ask those close to you to go to Al-anon and work the steps themselves so that you are all are on the same page.

What advice do I have for you about your relapse?

12 steps, 12 steps, 12 steps!!!!

I am a counselor and this process will work for you if you are willing to work it!

Good Luck,


There is hope

by: Becky

It is a horrible thing, addiction. it grabs hold of you and sometimes seems like it will never let go. i am an addict myself in recovery from multiple things but my latest poison was alcohol and methadone.

i have been clean for 8 months. I am still currently in a long term treatment facility that is faith based and if you search for them are free of charge.

it has truly saved my life. I am learning that honesty is the only answer. you have got to be willing to open up and reach out to others something that is foreign to addicts. you have a lot to offer life and others. its not an easy road but it is attainable.

I’ve battled for 20 yrs and i am making it and i am happy. do the thoughts still hit me yes, but i have tools and people around me to help. we are not alone in our struggles. keep reaching out!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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