I lost my relationship and i needed to know if this is why?

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I lost my relationship and i needed to know if this is why?

Okay so i have no idea about drugs. But my partner and I were beyond happy. Then we started fighting a lot about dumb stuff. Now we broke up i wanted to fix it but they didn’t.

I get a text that said can i tell you something? I said yes. In the back of my mind i knew it waa about… drugs. They have been addicted before on a different drug. My ex told me she took morphine. Then i looked it up and it all added up.

How do i know for sure that it’s that and if this is why i lost my relationship?

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No way to know for sure.

by: Debbie Wicker

Losing a great romantic relationship can be very devastating. It sounds like you truly love this person and now they no longer want to be in your life. Be sure to take good care of yourself during this difficult transition.

Deciding whether or not drugs is to blame will be very difficult unless your former partner admits to drug use. Because Morphine is an opiate and extremely addictive and relapse is extremely common, I would probably assume that your partner is using opiates, (likely heroin) again.

You may want to ask your partner directly and see if they will be honest with you about their drug use. Often when people are ready to quit they’re much more candid then you might expect.


by: Anonymous

I do care about her. She does realize it’s not only affecting herself but also me in a awful way. The past few days have been not right. I haven’t been myself. I can’t sleep, i have a hard time talking to people without sounding like i don’t know how to talk, i have been not feeling the best, we still live together but I’m looking for my own place.

First i want her here because i feel better, but now that she is home i leave or she will stay out late then come home. Like last night she wasn’t going to come home, which i feel that was a great idea. I was so tried and ready to get some sleep not even 20 mins later i hear her walking in.

I’m not even kidding i have before felt so sick so fast and awake. I’m almost scared to be around her. When i have tried talking to her all she does is yell and start a fidgeting and acting crazy.

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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