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Looking for good program?

by Cassie

I am currently working on publishing a paper, based on the initiation of Drug Courts. My question for you is, which I may have over looked on your website, do you have programs to support the family of a drug abuser?

I am very familiar with Al-anon, being as I have been through it, however, its primary purpose is for alcohol abusers. But for those family members, such as young teens and children of those abusers, is there a place or program to help them cope with the emotions for which they are experiencing that isn’t as costly as psychiatrist?

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Research and Make Calls

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Cassie,

You ask an interesting question and a very good one. Thank you. Families so often think that the alcoholism and drug addiction are the sole problem of the one with the disease, but that certainly isn’t the case.

There are a lot of self-help resources out there, such as “Getting Them Sober,” by Toby Rice-Drew, or “Why Don’t They Just Quit?,” by Joe Herzanek. Both books are examples of works that help families cope with the disease. Treatment facilities will often offer programs for family members, or will make recommendations on where families can enter family therapy. I would focus on the treatment facilities, make some calls and ask your questions.

Another resource for families is the church. Many offer alcohol and drug addiction recovery classes, and even if someone doesn’t belong to a particular denomination, or even for that matter ascribe to a specific faith tradition, the emotional support and information is well worth it.

Celebrate Recovery is a program being offered at churches around the US for addicts and their families. It’s an excellent program and many people have been and are being helped by it.

Locally, look through listings on family therapy agencies and see if there is one that deals with substance abuse issues. You can also call your local hospital/doctor and they are very likely to know good programs available in your area.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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