Meth always happens to walk back into my life!

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Meth always happens to walk back into my life!

by Bethany

(Albuquerque New Mexico USA)

So I moved to New Mexico with my husband and he got arrested. I messed up, I’m getting high on meth, and I know it’s not a good thing to do. But can someone please give me some advice, give me a slap to my face cuss I was doing so good! Now my 15 months sober is long Gone !! It just makes me not think of my husband, I’m so depressed && alone . . HELLLLLLLP !!!

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Relaspe is part of the disease of addiction!

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Bethany,

I’m so very sorry that you have relapsed. I’ve read your story and know how much meth has harmed your life and your marriage. You need the support of other addicts who have beaten this illness and you need to get that support RIGHT NOW!

Please consider going immediately to an AA or NA meeting and start really working the 12 steps. Also, find a female sponsor who has overcome meth addiction.

Meth causes brain damage so the sooner you stop using it and get over this relapse the better you will begin to feel. Going to AA and NA meeting DAILY can help you to have the strength necessary to not use.

The meth use is causing all of the bad things you feel so please don’t use it and get help and support!


Debbie ?

by: Bethany Johnson

I haven’t used since yesterday . and its very hard, When I live with people they do. I mean I can use if I wanted to, they only live in the next room to me. But I can’t get over the fact that I messed up. God is guiding me through all of this addiction. I will research for a AA or NA, right now to see if I can go tomorrow. Thank you so much, this website really does help with addiction .


by: Hel Claudinia

I am a recovering addict. My D.O.C. is meth. My advice is, and I realise that moving can be difficult financially and it’s hard to find places to live quickly, but my advice is you move out of your place seeing as the people in the room next to you can supply it to you.

You will never be able to successfully stay away from it as long as you surround yourself by people who have or use it themselves. Trust me, and I know it’s hard because I had to walk away from a lot of people and some of them were people I cared deeply for. One of the things they even tell you in treatment is that for the first year of recovery, you absolutely should not have communication with people who use or supply substances/alcohol. It’s hard, but not impossible.

Addiction is a monster in it’s own but we are our own worse enemies. And the only way you will truly quit is if you remove it from your life completely, which includes other addicts you know.

I wish you luck, I know how hard it is, and the withdrawal is even harder… but it is worth it. And you are stronger than you think. You CAN do this! Keep saying that to yourself.

Good luck!

Meth will ruin you…

by: Jerry

I know all too well about meth addiction. I just shared my story titled “My last chance”. Please read it when you can. This has been a problem for me for many years. Please keep him as soon as possible it will only bring you down.

I pray that you can beat the addiction. This is going to be a long hard road. I also share the story over a month ago, about how we used knowing the harsh consequences for our actions. I just went through it recently. I’m on a Department of Corrections GPS ankle monitor. I just got out of jail today on a 30 day extension because I had a dirty UA for meth.

I’m very fortunate to get one more chance. METH is a very dangerous and hard drugs. It’s going to be a tough fight the surround yourself around the right people to help you get clean and stay clean.

I pray and hope the best for you. Please read my story.

Meth and TBI wicked life

by: Anonymous

I’m 50 and six years ago i had 4 crashes and hit my head terribly each time, i was diagnosed with traumatic brain injury with loss of both short and long-term memory. I struggle each day learning all over and trying to fit in ad i also am bipolar and a drug addict as way to cope and live.

Meth, weed and heroin is everywhere besides the eight prescriptions i take daily and i have been sober for 212 days and i don’t know why, it sucks not using. Most people don’t get it and the huge fight, with no friends, or places to go as drugs are everywhere… crazy! Ok i like to be simple and happy daily for my life and health and use of meth was great. People just say no and remember it’s a battle for you first and the people that love you second, and really its not selfish to finally care and help yourself out when we have all hit the bottom as addicts.
God bless and be positive when you look in a mirror and see the sunshine and breathe the fresh air k thx Ps smile and say hello for our brothers and sisters in need and lend a hand.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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