My husband is addicted to opiates
My husband is addicted to opiates
by Lauren
(Phoenix, AZ )
My husband left three weeks ago saying he was not sure he loves me anymore, he did not know if we were meant to be or not. Two weeks prior he told me after a year of lying and stealing that he was doing pills and he was very distant.
He left and I told him what he had to do to get back with me and he says he just is not ready for us…… He tells people we have grown apart and we don’t have fun. We have done nothing, no counseling, nothing and he never has ever said these things to me before…..
We have been married for 5 years and have 2 little boys almost 4 and 2. I have lost my best friend!
He is not in treatment, but he does go to meetings every now and then but nothing consistent. People keep saying all the things he said is the drug or he just doesn’t want to face all the hurt he has caused you.
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