My Two Lives

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My Two Lives

by Mendel S.

(Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

Three lives?! Yes. At the age of six, my mother passed away following a prolonged illness.
My father had trouble coping, and the abuse was unbearable. I thought there was know way out.

While observing adults who had a difficult life, I came to realize that alcohol made it go away.
At ten and a half years old the alcohol cabinet called my name. No one knew that it was the beginning of a long journey.

The next day the craving for that feeling was taking me over. I started drinking more and more, until two days after my eleventh birthday, the principle found my water bottle filled with vodka. After being kicked out of school, my father sent me to a school in Brooklyn, New York. That did not help as there was always a way to find a drink.

When I was sixteen my father did me a favor and kicked me out of the house. There was nowhere to turn. I believe that this was the beginning of my decent to my bottom. My alcohol and drug use picked up. and I was sleeping on the New York city subway, eating whatever I could find and pick pocketing from tourists.

After a few years living like this I was so depressed that I was ready to jump off of a five story building. Thanks to someone who heard the alarm sound from me opening the door, someone came to my rescue and convinced me that there is hope. Later that day he introduced me to someone to take me to my first A.A. meeting.

After a week of not being able to remain clean and sober I flew to California for a detox and for a three month rehab. Through working a vigilant program in Alcoholics Anonymous, I now have a good relationship with my father, a job and can pay my own bills.

The main the main thing I gained is self respect and a feeling of freedom and happiness. I now know that whenever someone needs help I need to be there as it may save a life.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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