Comments for Parent wondering when enough is enough
Enough is Enough
But from what you?ve described; being treatment resistant, mentally challenged and having the long history, there might not be a lot you can do short of an intervention. Have you and other members of your family ever gone for help, like to Al-Anon? There is only so much you can do as an individual, so you need help and support. Your son?s addiction has taken control of his life. It owns him. It is his problem, and unfortunately for 30 years, he has made his addiction your problem. He can?t take responsibility, because it?s your problem. Go to an addiction professional and get some support. A local drug treatment center, the hospital, your family doctor are all places to start. Until he allows treatment to move in a positive direction, until he lets go of the denial, until he decides that he wants to manage his life and be healthy, you need to get help and go on with your life. The help is out there and there is hope. All the best. |