Pills; Suburbia’s Pastime

by Cat


This is the story of my addiction to pills from age 14 to 16, along with the drinking I did as well. I started doing pills due to medical reasons, but what the doctor gave me never did do the trick. I thought I was going to be in pain my whole life, so I was willing to try anything to stop it.

Living in a small town, the teenagers would get bored easily. Pills were the multi-purpose thing. Wanted to “relax”, have more energy the ever before… Well to us drugs were a life-saver, what an oxymoron.

It started as me just wanting freedom from my pain. I now know it was a path that could have killed me many a time. I kept upping the amount more and more. I went from self medicating to using them as my party drug, my escape, it was all such a thrill to me.

I decided to go big one night, trying to prove myself and friends I was invincible, I popped one pill after another, giggling away.

Then I felt sick, really sick. When I started panicking I told my friend “I think I took too many, please take me home, I need my mom.” He just laughed and said “I hate babysitting.” I started to panic, and that is when I blacked out.

I was in catatonic state, unable to speak, and my friend carried me like a rag doll. Still they did not take me home thinking I would just sober up, and their fear for getting arrested. I don’t know how I got home, but I do know my mom just found me in the kitchen lifeless looking. She thought I was joking until she saw my eyes, almost no color was visible. She didn’t know what happened, nor could I tell her.

I started waking up in an ambulance. They were asking me why I tried to kill myself. I didn’t ever want to kill myself, but there I was in the hospital saying goodbyes just in case I didn’t make it.

My mother crying, my father shaking his head, and my brother stared with sympathy. I recovered luckily, I stayed there for 18 hours. Once I got out of the hospital I knew my life HAD to change. I left those “friends” behind as they did to me that night.

I now live a happy, healthy life. I replaced the drugs with hobbies, I learned drugs are not hobbies. Now I get my thrills from playing music, dancing, and even fire-eating! I decided I needed thrills in my life, but something I can be proud of.

A Lucky Break

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Cat,

It is sometimes hard to comprehend the foolish things we do in life. Teenagers who start using drugs like you did, age 14-16, put themselves in serious jeopardy of developing a substance use disorder (SUD) and risk compromising their health and their future.

SUD is a brain disease, but add to that the fact that the frontal lobe of a teenager is not yet fully developed, and it is a recipe for disaster.

Kids get involved with drugs and turn away from their families, their school activities and their friends in favor of the drug crowd whose only purpose in life is to get high. Any sense of self-respect and control is abandoned.

You had a very close call. Your so-called friends didn’t think it was wrong to take the drugs, but when you got into trouble notice how quickly they decided not to call for help for fear THEY would get into trouble.

You were lucky!!

A while back the son of a coworker lay dead in our emergency room because his “friends” let him sleep it off outdoors, naked, on a cold night. That’s where the police discovered the body. You are lucky.

Your story also illustrates how quickly we can get into serious trouble when taking drugs recreationally. You probably didn’t even know what pills you were popping and you certainly had no clue what the interaction of the drugs would be.

Teenagers are convinced they will live forever and even more convinced that even though bad things happen, they happen to somebody else. Teens in general have no concept of the frailty of life and even less concept of the value of human life.

With an ever decreasing percentage of people who attend church or synagogue, there is even less understanding of the relationship between us and God.

I am so pleased you are living a healthy life and you can pursue happiness in a way that fortifies you and builds a positive future. I appreciate your sharing the story because young people need to make choices about using drugs or walking away. Bad things can happen to us, not just the other guy.

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