Recreationally using drugs, alcohol for 20 years?

by Kristi


This is in concern for my 35 year old brother. He has been habitually and recreationally using drugs and/or alcohol for 20 years. He mostly uses methamphetamine, but has used marijuana cocaine, PCP and acid in the past.

He is currently using methamphetamine. He is seeing “shadow people” and is extremely paranoid. He appears to be suffering from psychosis. I have tried to help him, my whole family has, but now I am just at a loss. It seems that his addiction has gotten worse over the past 6 months.

He is quite poor and cannot afford rehab. Is there anything you can do to help him? I know he is a great person, but that person is clouded with the drugs.

Get Treatment

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Kristi,
The drugs have caused your brother a great deal of harm, and his behavior suggests the effects of methamphetamine. This isn’t going to improve. You are going to have to come up with a way to get him some help. Get together with the entire family and come up with a plan. The psychosis will clear after he stops using, but that might take a long time. He has hurt himself.
Your brother is not a recreational user. He is an addict. The life he is leading is not a happy one and he doesn’t use because it’s fun. He uses because he has to. He has no choice, no ability to reason and no ability to say no to slowly killing himself. The family, however, can be influential in helping him make decisions. Go to Al-anon, your doctor, county social services. You just have to see what’s available. he can go to AA meetings and get some support to help him quit. Just keep trying.

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