Easy way to find and compare addiction treatment

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Easy way to find and compare addiction treatment

by Ben Morrison

Many of us know that the road to recovery from drug addiction is often a long and treacherous battle. My brother has been addicted to cocaine for over 10 years now and has practically torn our family apart. We have been there each and every time he ‘claims’ that he wants to change and become sober. I just don’t understand how he keeps doing this to our family.

It’s incredible to think back when we were in high school together. Being the older brother, I always tried to be as protective and helpful as I could. I’m not sure where I went wrong, but I try not to blame myself for his addiction.

A Great Kid!

Joe (Not his real name but that’s what we will call him) was a funny, semi-awkward kid, but showed no signs, at least to me, that he was into drugs. I have a feeling that a huge part of his drug addiction evolved from the teenagers he surrounded himself with.

I was an athlete so I stayed busy after school and on weekends, whereas Joe and his friends would hang out in the parking lot after school and then go and skate and do ‘fun things.’ Whatever it was, our relationship has never been the same since I left high school and I hate it.

Continue to pray for my brother

I can only continue to pray for my little brother. He will give me calls time from time but I can hear his voice and I know that he is not right. I have continually told him that I would help give support if he checks himself in and gets better.

I have fallen too many times to his ‘I am finally sober’ excuse and I will no longer allow myself to give him money until I see the results myself.

As for me, I recently started working at FindTheBest.com and created a comparison that relates directly into my life. Finding the right substance abuse center is a huge decision, as it can ultimately result in people becoming sober, or it can lead them right back into addiction.

FindTheBest.com recently added a Abuse Treatment Comparison that allows anyone to research and compare centers based on location, the type of care they provide, and any special programs they offer as well as many more categories.

This resource allows users to make a quicker and more informed decision when choosing a center for either themselves or a loved one. By using this tool, finding the best center fit for oneself is simpler than ever.

I wish that I could say I have successfully used this for my brother, but that is not the case. I can only hope that there are others out there who will actually use this comparison to find the right help. One day hopefully my brother will be one of those people as well.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to write back. I would love to hear any stories or give more detail about mine.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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