Alcohol, Lenadolpainpills and dagga

by Georgie

(Carletonville Gauteng SA)

My husband struggles with Alcohol, Lenadol pain pills and dagga, using them all together. He battles depression and can’t sleep, lost his job about a year ago. He’s a highly qualified person B.comm and Masters Degree 57 years of age.

I am his wife writing to you I don’t know how to handle him anymore?


You can Help

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Georgie,
That is quite a combination of drugs he is taking and it’s easy to see how that feeds y7our husband’s depression. His doctor should hear this and maybe he can make some recommendations. People are trying to get by, to feel good or they’re just trying to get through the day. The combination of drugs is potentially very dangerous, so his doctor needs to know what’s happening. Your husband might need treatment, so it’s important that he be assessed and professional recommendations made.
You need to get some help and support for yourself. Al-anon is a good place to turn, because the members there have been in your shoes and understand what you are dealing with. You need somebody to talk to. It’s hard to fight this kind of battle on your own, because you start to feel isolated and helpless. Sometimes wives just try to do everything on their own, without ever talking to someone or getting help. That is not a good idea, because it limits your options to only those you come up with on your own.
Another issue you are probably facing is your husband’s behavior under the influence of all this stuff. Your relationship is probably being impacted and you may be feeling as though you are left out of his life, or he has lost interest in everything. It’s a part of addiction. That is why the assessment is so necessary. There is help and you need to guide him in that direction. There are consequences for his decisions, so he needs to realize that the direction he is heading is not in his own best interest, or yours. Left unchecked, the disease can rip marriages apart, so get the support you need and get professional help for him.

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