Alcohol Use Treatment
Alcohol Use TreatmentThe very first step in the Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step program gives us the key to Alcohol Use treatment. �We admitted that we were powerless over our Alcohol Use –that our lives had become unmanageable.� That may sound trite, but there are two very important points for the person affected in that statement, that, (1) we are out of control and, (2) our lives are unmanageable.
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Read why Step 3 is so DIFFICULT…
I see people come and go from the treatment center every week. Some are seeking help after a repeat bout with the disease, while others are obviously there because someone else has either encouraged them or pestered them enough to force an action. Sometimes a person is there because of a court order. Those who have had a relapse may be discouraged or angry with themselves, but they are participating because they agree with Step 1. People who are not in agreement with that initial realization will most often say it�s the other person�s problem. If they are there by court order, they are often pretty angry about it. People who are either Alcohol Use or are in the grip of Alcohol Use may completely deny their problem, and when they enter treatment it�s with �kicking and screaming� and not their own idea.Why is treatment necessary? Why is treatment necessary? Consider the following pieces of information and make your own determination. If a person with the disease decides to quit on their own, they stand about a four percent chance of staying sober for a year. If that same person were to go through treatment, their chances of staying sober for the following year will increase to 50 percent. If a person goes through Alcohol Use treatment, accepts weekly aftercare and regularly participates in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, their chances of staying sober for the next year increase to 90 percent. You can see that treatment and maintenance are effective. But it doesn�t stop there.There is no cure for Alcohol Use There is no cure for Alcohol Use. It�s important to understand this vital fact. Because of that, Alcohol Use needs to be managed. People need a plan. Alcohol Use treatment programs for Alcohol Use and Alcohol Use are varied, but we�ll give you an initial look at some of them. The treatment option that is right for you, or someone you love, is best outlined by a professional and we encourage you to seek help. The professional counselor or therapist is well equipped to map out the right strategy for the individual. Correct diagnosis imperative for Alcohol Use treatmentLike any disease, there needs to be a correct diagnosis, followed by a treatment plan. That initial assessment may lead to a stay in a residential treatment center, or outpatient treatment, or participation in an AA group. In any case, it is important to tailor make the best possible program. The program will be determined largely by an individual�s battle with the disease. What is the level of alcohol dependence? Let�s say, for example, that a person is functioning well in life and they can demonstrate a level of control over their drinking, some minor intervention to assist in giving the person tools to help control the disease may be sufficient. However, if a person is farther down the path and they are not in control, that option is not going to be effective. They must stop drinking entirely and that will take some work.30% Dropout rate for outpatient treatmentThere is no substantial evidence to suggest that inpatient is better than outpatient for Alcohol Use treatment, other than there is a 30 percent dropout rate in outpatient people. The dropout rate for inpatient is about 10 percent, so that would suggest an edge to inpatient treatment. The following page will give you a look at the various types of treatment, and as you pursue options, you may want to consider what each has to offer.For More Alcohol Use Treatment click here
This site contains five MAIN pages that EVERYONE should read:
Read these five pages and learn what you need to know to spot Alcohol Use in: Yourself… Your Family… Your Friends… Your Community…The rest of the pages are there for your reference to explain important topics in more detail.
Finally don�t miss the Spiritual and 12-step sections to fully explore how understanding THE SPIRIT can lead to recovery!