Alcoholism Cure

Alcoholism Cure

Alcoholism Cure

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Is there an alcoholism cure?

The disease called Alcoholism is characterized by a craving for and a dependence on alcohol; an urge beyond the capability of the person to control. But there is so much more… it is a disease of the body, mind and spirit.

Sadly, there is no cure

Alcoholism cannot be cured again there is NO alcoholism cure. It will forever remain a part of a person’s makeup. However, when it comes to Addiction and Alcoholism, there is good news and bad news. The good news is that alcohol can be treated and managed.

Alcoholics can live successful lives even though there is no alcoholism cure. The bad news is that they are always vulnerable to relapse if they take a drink.

Denial is major issue

Some people will say, “I’m not an alcoholic, I’m just a problem drinker.” There is humor in this statement, but there is also serious truth. People can drink too often, drink too much and run into problems, even though they are not physically addicted.

DUI, driving under the influence is huge in this country. People have been known to go to court repeatedly, yet they are not technically alcoholics.

Sure, there are drunk-driving laws, but people abuse the tolerance and generosity of the court system. They will continue to drink and they will continue to drive, with or without a license. If you lock up the drunks, the jails will be filled every night.

Alcohol can become more important than life enen though there is no alcoholism cure… read more.

Questions about Alcoholism Cure:

My brother is addicted and my parents are enabling?

My brother has been doing alcohol and drugs for 15yrs.(since 9th grade), he has been in & out of jail, rehab etc. He is currently living with my parents. (cause the always let him come home)

I am 28yrs old and live with my military husband in a different state than them. So I don’t see them often.  I
have chosen not to let my 10 yr. old son spend anytime alone with them
this summer & have not visited them. I just don’t want to be around
the drama that comes with visiting.

There is arguments over money and I have to hide my valuables and deal with the the roller-coaster of emotions.  My mother makes me feel awful because of my choice. Like I don’t love her.

I am Christian and she says I shouldn’t judge. She makes me feel like the bad guy.

Am I the bad guy?

Should I just deal with him to see my family?

Or should I stand my ground and say as long as you enable him by giving him, food , shelter etc… then I am not coming around.  Do I have to make her choose?  Do you know of any scripture that could help me back up what I am doing is what God would want me to?

Keep It Up

by: Ned Wicker

You have set boundaries and have taken steps to act in the best interest of your brother.

must have been a difficult decision for you to not visit, or allow your
brother to be around his uncle and grandparents, but why put him in the
middle of their problem?

I support your choice.

mother does not understand what the Christian scripture says about
judgment. Yes, it says do not judge, but if you look carefully and try
to take the meaning of the passage from its original Greek, it actually
says do not condemn.

You need to make moral and ethical
judgments, especially in raising a child. Your brother has made his
problem your parent’s problem, and they all want it to be your problem

Stand your ground and be responsible.

Your brother
needs treatment and he needs to be in a recovery group. If your brother
chooses his disease over his family, then he is choosing not to see his

Your parent’s aren’t helping. They are part of the problem.

Groups like Al-Anon can help them see this situation for what it is.

long as mom and dad cave in and give your brother what he wants, there
is no motivation for him to get help. If they were to join you and
sincerely act in his best interest, they too would say no and set some
conditions on his being a part of the family.

I know it’s
painful and I know you’re the “bad guy,” but you are also the only one
seeing this thing clearly. You can point your family in the right
direction by being truthful with them, especially your parents.

don’t want to lose their son, but at the same time they are losing
their daughter and grandson, so there are choices that have to be made.

is a family disease and they need to receive treatment too. The
judgment is your brother’s disease is a major family issue, but you are
not condemning him or your parents.

No good dead goes
unpunished, so do your best, get some resources together and don’t be
surprised if they all resist your efforts.

Loving your family doesn’t mean being stupid and blind.

Wife wants divorce after detox?

My wife came back from detox for opiates, and then said she doesn’t love
me anymore. She is 30 days sober, and we are separated (at my
request). We have 2 small kids. I am not sure if she really does not
love me or if this is part of the initial insanity that comes with
dealing with addiction.

She does not talk to me about the
relationship, so I am preparing for divorce. I hear this is common, but
I can’t find good advice on the subject.

Any thoughts?

Slow Down

by: Ned Wicker

Understand you are with someone who is making the transformation
from a diseased and troubled mind, to sobriety and with that comes some
adjustment. Give it some time and get some help for yourself through
Al-Anon or Alcoholics Anonymous.

Addiction is a family disease, so be patient and know that you have
to go through this together. I also realize the emotional toll of this
process can be very difficult. That’s why self-care is so important.
Get some help for yourself and learn how you can be a help to your wife.

Divorce Detox

by: LauraSue

Individuals are told not to make any rash decisions for up to 6
months to a year, because of the emotional issue that goes with

Again there is always hope, just because there is current no alcoholism cure doesn’t mean you have to live with this terrible and destructive problem.

That completes our discussion of alcoholism cure, hope it was helpful for you.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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