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by Jean
When I was 70 I was taking hydrocodone for severe lower back pain prescribed by my family physician. At the same time I was very depressed and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. My husband and I were having problems in our marriage. I took the drug for under six months.
Soon I realized that the medicine was not only helping the back pain but also helping me with my depression. I was taking more than prescribed and when a family member pointed that out to me I looked for help.
Went to drug rehab for 7 days and have never craved drugs since. Rehab was easy and I slept a lot during it. My problem is now I am 72 with several co-morbid health issues. I am in the hospital a lot. Now I am labeled a drug addict and denied pain meds except Tramadol which does not help me.
I do not believe that I am a drug addict. Do not have any narcotics in my house and do not crave anything. My psychiatrist does not believe I am a drug addict either.
My biggest worry is if I am ever in a great deal of pain such as an auto accident etc that I will not be given anything for pain. Also, when I am dying (ready but not in a hurry) that I will be denied pain help.
Have taken several pain meds in my life after surgeries, pneumonia and several pulmonary embolisms etc,and never had a problem with any of them. I worry about this but have chosen to give this to God to take care of. Still worries me though.
Comments for Anonymous
and Finally Remember:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8
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