Can we get our daughter committed for detox at age 31?

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Can we get our daughter committed for detox at age 31?

by Juanita

(Gallup, NM USA)

Have a daughter that is 31 years old, she is addicted to heroin and meth, how and where can I take her to get help? She is resisting. We live in Gallup, NM.

Comments for Can we get our daughter committed for detox at age 31?

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The short answer is no.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Juanita,

Because your daughter is an adult you can’t force her to go into detox and treatment. Involuntary commitment is ONLY possible if it is determined that she is going to imminently harm herself or someone else. If she mentions committing suicide or has violent outbursts against you or anyone then the police will commit her for detox and treatment. Short of that, you will have to try to convince her that she must stop using otherwise she is likely to die from her addiction.

Because addiction is a disease that attacks the brain, a drug user actually is convinced that the drug is needed and that they can’t live without it.

It is critical that an addict feel the full weight of their addiction and not receive any support that supports their addiction. If a drug user feels the negative consequences of their drug use they often begin to accept the help that detox and treatment offers.

You should begin attending Al-anon meetings twice a week. Once you find a meeting that you like find a sponsor and begin working the 12 steps. This often helps you to TOTALLY understand your daughter’s addiction and avoid making mistakes and enabling her addiction.

I found two Al-anon meetings in Gallup, NM:

– Tuesday Noontime Al-Anon (062930), 1st United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Drive at 12 noon

– Thursday Night Al-Anon (061153), 1st United Methodist Church, 1800 Red Rock Drive

I recommend you attend both of these meetings if you can and learn as much as you can about how to help your daughter to recover from this terrible disease.

Good Luck,


No one can be forced

by: Anonymous

Bottom line she won’t and can’t quit until she and only she is ready!

It’s tough but possible for her.

Best of luck!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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