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I have 3 sons, 2 became heroin addicts, one is in the Army.

One son is serving 85% of a 30 year sentence for crimes committed while on heroin & stealing to be able to buy more heroin.

My other son has stopped doing drugs but in his late 30’s & is trying to work every day to pay child support for 3 kids.

It was a horrible thing to go through watching your children go through these things. People are cruel & put them down every day, some even in my family.

They worry about the small things not the larger picture. The ones who condemn my sons are the ones who were ignorant to their mothers & fathers growing up & oh yeah they are model sons & daughters now.

Hey, this is life. There were no substance abuse programs when my sons were going through this if you didn’t have insurance. But hey, the ones who condemned my sons & my family have children growing up too.

Sometimes what goes around comes around.

Just saying.


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They still need your support

by: Debbie Wicker

People can be so very cruel and judgmental of others. It does sound like you still have a relationship with your sons even though you’ve had to go through VERY hard times with them.

Your sons likely still need your love and support and you certainly are not responsible for the poor choices they’ve made. Heroin addiction is at an epidemic level in this country and it’s is wonderful that both your sons have survived it. Many people don’t make out of of addiction.

Congratulations to you and your family and try to avoid the negative people who continue to criticize you and your sons. Know one has walked in your shoes or been where you’ve been so their opinions about you are shallow and hurtful.

Hopefully you’ve taken care of yourself during these difficult times and you can find a support group like Al-anon so that you can rebuild your life after such a HUGE trauma.

Addiction is often a family disease, which means it effects everyone in the family. For you, some “me” time might be in order so that you can heal your wounds and move past the horrible events that you have suffered.

Good Luck and I’m glad your sons are now clean and sober!

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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