Blood pressure drugs over prescription?

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Blood pressure drugs over prescription?

by Dorothy


I was prescribed drugs to lower my high blood pressure but instead of allowing the drug to settle down in my system, if it had not lowered my blood pressure by the amount the nurse was happy with she would increased the dose of the drug or change it without reference to the doctor.

This ended up with me not getting rid of the first drug so I built up a layer of drug in my body which has been in it for three years now. Any advice would be welcomed.

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You need to try to get appropriate medical support.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Dorothy,

It sounds like you are not receiving the medical support you need. I would highly recommend that you go to a doctor if you can and explain the situation that you’re in.

High blood pressure is a serious medical problem and so is any negative reaction to a medication. A doctor is in the best position to assess your specific situation and recommend the most appropriate treatment for you.

If you are in a skilled care facility and don’t have regular access to a doctor I would recommend speaking to the social worker and requesting that you be seen by a doctor outside the facility that specializes in the treatment and management of blood pressure.

Good Luck,


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