Comments for Can you help?

Can you help?

by: Lynette

Dear Russell,

I am so sorry to hear about your situation but glad that you are reaching out for help.

The first thing that I would recommend is for you and your family go to an Al Anon meeting. They are for friends and family of alcoholics and drug addicts. The fact is YOU need help, too, not just your daughter. There you will meet others in the same or similar situations as you and I think you’ll find the Al Anon principles very helpful.

Also, you could contact a drug and alcohol counselor in your area to ask for advice as to what to do.

I can definitely relate to your story. My son is a drug addict and I know HOW PAINFUL it is to find that out and that it puts you in a tailspin.

Hopefully, my son is in recovery now-he is in jail but he is saying that he is turning everything over to his higher power (which for him is God). This is one of the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous as well as for Al Anon. Perhaps a clergy could help you or your medical doctor.

I am a recovering alcoholic – I have not drank for 25 years. I am now attending Al Anon meetings and they help me immensely. I also see a counselor, talk to my minister and see my physician’s assistant. I try to get all the support I can get. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Some hospitals have detox units so that the person can be admitted there and be detoxed in the correct manner. Sometimes you have to go through the ER first to get them into the detox unit.

Good luck and I will say a prayer for you-Lynette

What now? Daughter in jail

by: Anonymous

I do offer counseling for problems like this. I do it over the phone. Please send me an email for more info and details.

Best, Joe

Joe Herzanek
Changing Lives Foundation
[email protected]

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