How do I as a parent get my kid who is in denial help legally

How do I as a parent get my kid who is in denial help legally

by Faye


Some Missouri law prevents me as the mother from getting my daughter help, who admits only to me, that she is using meth and is being held against her will and beaten by her boyfriend.

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Call a Women’s Shelter

by: Debbie Wicker

Your daughter is in VERY serious trouble and needs to get out of her situation ASAP! Meth addiction can cause psychosis and the violence is very likely to escalate.

You might try contacting a Women’s shelter in your area for help. They have good contacts with law enforcement and should help you to successfully navigate the system. Meth is illegal as is domestic violence so hopefully you will be able to find the right resources to help you and your daughter.

You should also begin attending Al-anon meetings so you can begin to totally understand what you’re dealing with. Drugs change the brain and make it hard for the addict to realize how serious their problem is.

Meth is HIGHLY addictive and lethal. Keep in contact with your daughter and keep encouraging her to GET OUT!

Good Luck!


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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