Comments for Crack Addict?
Help for Crack Addict
Awesome help
Help for Crack Addict
by: Debbie Wicker
Awesome help
by: Anonymous
Now for the first time as an E-BOOK and available for IMMEDIATE download anywhere in the world!
PLUS: 24 additional chapters in 5 BONUS BOOKLETS :
The 350 Secondary Diseases / Disorders from Alcoholism
The Hidden Problems After Separating//Divorced from, an Alcoholic
What Keeps us SO emotionally attached to alcoholics??!!
Sex and Trust Issues When With an Alcoholic
Your Child ——- Alcoholism … ??
First time as an e-BOOK and available for immediate download.
Copyright 2011 by Mission Enabled
all rights reserved
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Get Help Now! 800-719-1281 Available 24/7! How do I help my recovery as my fiance gets thru his recovery without fighting about it with him? by Stephanie (Marshfield, WI USA) My fiance is in a methadone treatment program, he was/is addicted to painkillers which led to a heroin addiction. I don’t know how to cope…
A Very Good IdeaBy Ned WickerI have long been an advocate of beginning drug prevention early, and using sports as a means to communicate life lessons to young people. Over the years I have extended my ministry to include sports coaching, primarily baseball and football, as I’m a jock at heart and believe that sports…
by Tami (Baltimore, MD ) Hello everyone, I posted my story back in June 2011. My 21 yr old son & his g/f were using heroin. Just when I thought they had hit “rock bottom”… something else would happen. I had actually prepared myself for “that” call. (although, as a parent, I never wanted to…
Here are some facts that may surprise or sadden you about Prescription Drug abuse. As with most issues about addiction, there is much that is unexpected; the costs or much higher than expected and the causes are very sad. That fact that child abuse is such a strong predictor of abuse speaks volumes about the…
Get Help Now! 800.815.3910 Available 24/7 The road to recovery starts here! Trusted, confidential help available 24/7. Speak with an addiction treatment specialist anytime. Please call us now at 800-815-3910! Post Your Comment For: JC’s Recovery Center Your Name (optional) Rate This Page 5 Stars (highest)4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star…