Daughter desperately needs help for addiction?

by John

I have a daughter who is dependent on prescription drugs and desperately needs help. I would like to help her but I do not have funds to help.

Her husband left her and does not support her and her 2 children have been taken by DYFUS.

Is there any help out there?

Her name is Michele.

Alternative Plans

by: Ned Wicker

Dear John,

The first thing I encourage you to do is call Al-anon. They have many fathers just like you who want to get help for their daughters. Moreover, while you get information to put into action, you will also receive some emotional support, as I know this chapter with Michele must be very taxing on you.

Another thing to consider is a medical social worker, who may be willing to sit down with you to discuss treatment options for your daughter. You may also consider calling a treatment center to explain your circumstance and see if they have some ideas on how to help.

Try to get your daughter to go to meetings, either at AA or see if there is a local church that has a recovery program. Drug addiction, while a disease of the brain, is also a spiritual disease and treatment must include body, mind and spirit.

Many communities have free clinics, even the small town where I live. Local doctors and nurses volunteer their time. Many of these clinics have counselors who are trained and try to offer assistance.

The important thing is for your daughter to have support, love and guidance. If she is hooked on pain medication she really should see her doctor about creating a new pain management program. If she is buying this stuff on the street, you need to formulate a plan to get her out of that culture, which includes the suggestions I have offered.

While I am all for treatment and wholeheartedly support the personalized programs treatment centers create to effectively address the patient’s needs, I also hold firmly that addiction is a spiritual disease and a spiritual solution is often more than appropriate and effective.

Keep trying and don’t give up.

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