In a rush to grow up

I first took Amphetamine when i was 17 at a friends house and thought the effects were odd and amazing. I got caught by a cousin the next day however and didn’t take it again for about 4 months when i moved into a hostel, as it was easy to get hold of.

I then stopped and started again 5 months later and also started injecting it. I stopped again as i got a job but then friends i met at the pub took it too and i started again but haven’t injected since I’m now 19 and I’m ruining my life.

I have done 2 weeks straight at this moment with 2 hours sleep and no food, I don’t like to be normal, and keep buying more and more to avoid this and going to work on it as well.

My parents are aware but do not say much as i live alone I get paranoid a lot of the time, and I feel like its controlling me not the other way round!

I’m frightened as i don’t want to get addicted but i feel this drug gives me happy times and without it i stress because i haven’t got it!

I don’t dare tell my parents it isn’t just a one off and its my own fault.

I’ve dropped to seven stone 6 and have never brought food since i moved in a year ago.

I am asking for advice, how do i go from here?

Please help me!

In a rush to grow up

by: Lynette



I definitely agree with all of Ned’s comments.

I also want to add that one step you should take is going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting (they also talk about drugs)or a Narcotics Anonymous meeting (sometimes they are harder to find.)

My son has been an addict for 13 years. I think he has tried just about every drug there is and he started when he was 14.

This is a family disease – if affects your whole family, whether you want it to or not.

Also, I am a recovering alcoholic-I have not drank for 25 years. I had tried to quit on my own and it wasn’t working. The first thing I did was go to my medical doctor and he really helped me to get started on my sobriety, as well as recommending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, which I did go to.

Please get some help and don’t let your life be wasted. I’m praying the same for my son. He did try to quit once, recently, and then relapsed. I will pray for you as I am praying for him-he is now in jail but is taking some good steps there.

When you do tell you family, I suggest you tell them to go to an Al Anon meeting (for friends and family of alcoholics and drug addicts). I go to them and it has helped me tremendously!

Good luck, and, as I said I’ll pray for you-Lynette

Stop and Change Direction

by: Ned Wicker

Addiction is not just a physical or psychological dependence on a substance. We are body, mind and spirit, and therefore addiction is also a spiritual disease.

You need to go into treatment to rid yourself of this terrible disease, to rebuild your life and feel “normal” without the help of a substance.

I see a couple of things from what you’ve shared. You need to be in a safe environment. You’ve been on your own for more than a year and you are using.

You have developed a pattern of behavior that needs to be broken and the first thing I want you to consider is talking to your family. Come clean with what is going on in your life and allow your parents to help you.

That relationship is important and if there are fences that need mending, so be it. Your health and your well being are more important than your pride, so open the book and get it out.

You can’t do this on your own. You don’t just quit. You need your family and you need treatment. The cycle of addiction must be broken and your life must be rebuilt. It is possible.

See a doctor and get an exam. Your weight loss is alarming, so a healthy lifestyle will be an important part of your recovery. The choices you have made for yourself have not worked, so turn to a professional person and your family.

It’s time to make an important decision, to get help and reunite with your family.

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