Drug Addiction Help

Drug Addiction Help

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Drug Addiction Help

Drug Addiction Help

The hardest part about finding addiction help is getting it, even though there is a lot of help available.

It’s hard because the drug addict does not want help. They want to LEFT ALONE. They know they don’t have a problem and they want everyone to MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!

Everyone knows!

Their families see it but it doesn’t matter.

Their friends see it.

Their co-workers see it.

They don’t see it and everybody else is wrong!

Actually, it is important that the addict see the problem. Without the buy-in of the addict, without him/her realizing they have a serious problem, no treatment is going to take place. They WILL REFUSE to get help no matter what!

There is a television reality show called “Intervention” which documents the denial of addicts as they are approached by family and friends to seek help. In one episode, the Methamphetamine addict, who is destroying her health, her family’s property and all of her relationships, is steadfastly in denial that there is any problem of any kind and refuses help.

Totally Lost

She curses her family for bringing it up. On video, we see how selfish she has become because of the drug. She cares for no one but herself and her drug use comes before anything else. She refuses treatment. She refuses addiction help. Most everything she mutters is profane. She is completely lost.

The wake left behind a drug addict is the crushed hearts of those who see the problem, want to help, but on their own, for the best of reasons, likely contribute to the problem rather than solve it. In these shows, an interventionist is called in by the family, not just to confront the addict and coax them into rehabilitation, but to coach the family and teach them communication skills.

More importantly, the interventionist teaches the family boundaries, and how to stick to those boundaries.

Addiction help is not based on enabling the addict; once rules are established they MUST be adhered to. If the rules are broken the addict MUST feel the consequences otherwise the family is going to enable the addict to continue using. No drug addiction help is possible!

Drug addiction is a community problem

Drug addiction is not just a family problem. It’s a community problem and therefore, help from the community is a necessary ingredient for any addict achieving recovery. Families are too close to the addict.

They love that person, they care, they cry for them. Their loving regard for the addict blocks their objective thinking and prevents them from being the answers to the problem. They become enablers and feeding the problem. Drug addiction help from a professional is needed to treat all parties involved in the addiction.

Once the family and friends are on board with the need for professional help, and new communication patterns and boundaries are established by the professional, “their” problem will become the addict’s problem.

Once the addict realizes that they have the problem, the first step towards recovery is taken.

If you know someone that needs drug addiction help or if you’re struggling with an addiction, and need help call 1-800-662-HELP.

Also for more drug addiction help go to Intervention

About Drug Addiction

What is drug addiction?

Drug addiction vs. drug abuse

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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