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by Mini

(Calgary, Canada)

The kids were playing with the video camera and recording themselves in the basement of our house and they left it down there still recording. Well, when i watched it the next day I saw my husband down stairs. He never goes down there ever cus it’s pretty much a mess because i started my own business and i use the basement to ship and it’s my office.

So anyways, i watched this video and i saw my husband come down and he’s by my laptop so i can see everything almost everything through the reflection of my laptop. He does not smoke but i do and only down stairs at first i thought maybe he starting smoking! But no he would never start he has never smoked why now and he always complains about me smoking?

So as curious as i am, i watch this video over and over to try and figure it out. I see him drop something and bend down and pick it up, at first i thought the smoke, but i can see it in his mouth as he bends down. Then, i see him put what ever he picked up on the end of the smoke, then he lights it for a little bit of a time. But what i notice is the flame when he puts it to the smoke kinda flies up in the air and goes out. So i watch him do it again and same thing puts the flame from the lighter to the smoke and the the flame kinda flies up and goes out.

Well, in the video i walk down stairs 5 minutes later, if that, and no smell of weed oil or hash so its not those…..

Please help me figure what drug my husband is smoking?

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Not sure, but please try to stay calm.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Mini,

Based on the your description it’s difficult to say what he was smoking. It could be crack cocaine, methamphetamine or an opiate of some kind. The important thing is you need to try to remain calm.

You’re in a tough position because you don’t want to accuse him of anything but you need to know if he has a drug problem that you were unaware of until this chance video was taken.

You may want to turn the video camera on again and see if he comes downstairs again. If he does, then you’re probably going to have to ask him what’s going on.

Again, please try to stay calm and if you decide to ask him about it, do it at a time when you are both relaxed. Don’t accuse him of anything but listen to what he tells you.

Good luck,



by: Michelle

Your description of how he uses the lighter and the flame leans more towards cocaine.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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