High drug use and poverty?

by Brendon

I am living in area with high drug use and poverty. I am working with a Christian camp and we are looking to help out in the community.

I was wondering if you had any suggestions of community involvement to combat drug use?

High drug use and poverty

by: Lynette


Hi-I would suggest that you contact the Salvation Army. I have a cousin who was helped a lot by them when he was using drugs and he’s now doing great.

I think they also do work in communities or may be able to help you find someone who does.

-I’ll pray for you, that you will get the help you need-Lynette

Talk to People

by: Ned Wicker

Thank you for your involvement with Christian work in the community. That’s terrific. People often ask “What can I do?” For starters, spread a little of God’s love by talking to young people, loving them, listening to them and try to prevent that first encounter with drugs and alcohol.

Helping to organize positive, constructive community activities, such as music, sports and art, is a great way to turn idle time into creative industry.

Band churches together and take back the community from the drug dealers and those who tear down society.

Work with businesses and civic organizations to reach out and help those in need. Believe me, you can do a lot.

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