How can I get a court ordered committal?

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How can I get a court ordered committal?

by Nay

How would you go about getting a court ordered committal? My sister has been addicted for a little over 2 yrs. She has gone from taking to snorting to now shooting up pain pills , along with smoking meth and Adderall. I’ve committed her but as soon as she detox she walks from rehab I’m scared and have no clue what to do to help.

I’ve tried everything spent 6 hours in the ER with her to commit her, half way homes, N/A meetings, to keeping her at my house to babysit. What’s my next move, it seems I’m the only one trying to help but end up an enabler. PLEASE HELP DESPERATE she has a son whom I’ve been taking care of.

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Sounds like you’re doing everything possible.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Nay,

First I want to commend you for trying to help your sister and supporting your nephew. Addiction is a devastating disease of the brain that has robbed your sister of everything she values.

Meth is a vicious drug that causes major mental health issues including psychosis. It is highly addictive and many, many people relapse multiple times before they can figure out how to stop using it.

Your sister is walking from rehab because she hasn’t made the decision to quit for herself. The only way to get her into mandatory treatment, that I’m aware of, is through the correction system, i.e. jail.

Your only option for saving her life may be to call the police and have her arrested and ultimately incarcerated. I know this seems incredibly harsh, but sadly, it is the only forced committal that our system has. And because meth addiction left untreated is fatal, I believe that it may be your sister’s best chance for survival.

You could try an intervention first and let her know if she doesn’t stay in treatment that you’re no longer going to support her and she will feel the full force of her choices including incarceration if necessary. She may agree to stay in treatment long enough for them to help her.

If she refuses, then I would recommend you call your local police station and ask for their advice as to the best next steps to help your sister to end her terrible addiction.

Your sister desperately needs your help and support, the problem is that her disease of addiction is stopping her from seeing it.

Good Luck,


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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