How can i not get caught by medical tests after taking yaba?

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How can i not get caught by medical tests after taking yaba?

by Mirza

(Dhaka, BD)

I’m struggling from a serious freedom situation! Please let me know how i can avoid getting caught on the medical tests even though i take yaba occasionally??!!!

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Not much help

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Mirza,

Generally, I always try to answer the question that’s asked, but in this case I can only tell you that experiencing negative consequences for drug abuse is the ONLY way to stop or avoid drug addiction.

Yaba, is a terrible drug that is highly addictive and completely destructive to you both mentally and physically. It ATTACKS you brain and turns you into a person capable of doing ANYTHING to get the drug.

Rather than worrying about failing a drug test, you should be worried about becoming addicted to a lethal drug that will ruin every aspect of your life and ultimately kill you.

I know that right now all you care about is not failing the drug test and keeping your addiction a secret, but the more it is known by others that you are a yaba user the sooner you will get the help and support you need to quit.

So the question you should be asking is how can I stop using yaba so I don’t need to worry about taking a drug test.

I know this sounds very judgmental but while you’re using yaba, it will be hard for you to hear the truth, and I would love to soften it or sugar coat it but with yaba abuse that’s not possible. It is to destructive to minimize its use or to support avoid drug test failure if it is present.


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– Matthew 7:7-8

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