How can you be sure that someone is addicted?

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How can you be sure that someone is addicted?

by Fariza

(Dhaka, Bangladesh)

How to be sure that some one is addicted? Like my friend is behaves weirdly and aggressively sometimes. He was a addicted long time back but he claims nowadays he takes it occasionally. He acts all cracked up on simple issue, I guess he suffers from an inferiority complex.

A few days back, we were talking nice and somehow i told him that he and I have a mutual friend, and that friend had said something negative about him, and I fought with that friend to change his view. I told my friend about it. He got all cracked up. But when i do the same thing with some one else, they get happy.

Is it because he is still addicted? How can I find out if he is addicted and how can I learn to deal with him? What are the symptoms of an addict?

He stays home all time isolated, he goes university but don’t mingle with people much, and lingers on small issues. He sleeps at 7 pm in the evening, and wakes up at the middle of night and stays up. Sometimes he don’t sleep at all and stays all cracked up. He gets irritated with small simple questions. Please reply me I need your suggestions. It`s very helpful

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All of the things you listed can be present after someone STOPS using drugs.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Fariza,

The symptoms you list are not necessarily related to drug addiction. They sound more like mental health problems and emotional issues that he may be experiencing. I would recommend that your friend go to a doctor and ask for a complete mental health assessment.

There is a term in AA called a “dry drunk”. It refers to someone who is no longer addicted to alcohol or drugs but is very angry and unhappy because they are not in a supportive recovery community working the 12 step program. They stopped using but have not redefined they life in such a way that they can move forward in their recovery. They are stuck in their past issues and problems and cannot get past them.

I think you and you friend should begin attending a 12 step addiction support program like AA or Al-anon and learn how to live a happy, joyous and free life without substance abuse and addiction.

Good Luck,

Debbie Wicker


by: Fariza

Thanks, but he does take it sometimes occasionally. How do I deal with him, he is very short tempered?

Try to avoid agruing about his drug use.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Fariza,

I would recommend that you look at Al-anon information on their website. Please visit this page on the Al-anon site and listen to the audio podcast:

This podcast will give you some ideas of some ways to handle your friend. I would also recommend that you begin to go to local meetings. Here is the information I found about Al-anon meetings in Dhaka, Bangladesh:

Alchoholics Anonymous & Narcotics Anonymous

AA/NA closed meeting Weds 8-9pm, open meeting Sun 8-9pm weekly, Room 134, Banani Seminary. For information on AA, NA, ALANON, or Coda, contact the British CLO, email clo@citechco

I would send an email to this address and see if you can get some local support.

Hope this helps!


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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