Is this a good research topic?

by Sher

I would like to do research on the cause of drug addiction. Especially I would like to explore new causes of drug addiction. Especially in my region the people are more drug addicted, which is isolated and remote area.

I would like to find out, has the climactical condition become the cause of addiction? In this regard I would like some suggestions, IS it a good topic for my research?

Looking forward you suggestion.

Good Topic

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Sher,
There is so much cutting edge research being done on this topic, so by all means move forward with your idea. As we move from DSM-4 to DSM-5, the very definition of addiction, now Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is changing. The National Institute on Drug Addiction (NIDA) is an excellent source, as that site contains countless research papers and information.

Dr. Carlton Erickson, University of Texas, is a leading lecturer and researcher. His web site is and it’s outstanding. You can examine the trends in your area, compare them to national trends and perhaps suggest a course of action to help.

This is a great topic for you and one that will help contribute to the body of knowledge. If you dig, you will find an enormous body of knowledge out there, so take it one step at a time and enjoy.

New book

by: Anonymous

Worried about drugs? For a friend? For yourself?

A new, most up-to-date book has been published by an Emory Professor – The Addicted Brain. It is an easy read that covers drug toxicity, how to get off drugs, how to find treatment, and many more topics.

A drug user has reviewed it and strongly supports it. Go to, click on “books”, enter “Michael Kuhar (the author)” and the “Addicted Brain” should come up. Don’t wait to find out and get help.

Research is covered and the author is a lifetime researcher.

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