Looking for a support group

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Looking for a support group

by Karen

(Orlando, FL)

I live in Orlando Florida and I’m looking for a support group. I have two grown children who are dealing with addiction.

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Consider Al-anon and Celebrate Recovery

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Karen,

Finding a good support group can really help as you deal with your childrens’ addictions. Many people have been helped by Al-anon which is the support group for AA. Their are also group for Nar-anon which support the Narcotics Anonymous groups.

Each of us is different and finding the right group can be a challenge. I would recommend that you visit different groups and find a group where you receive the support and care you need.

Living in Orlando you have MANY options to choose from and you should not have to settle on one until you find one that is just right for you.

To find meetings all you need to do is a Google search on “Al-anon meetings in Orlando FL” and you will get a complete list. The same is true for Nar-anon meetings as well.

I would also recommend that you consider a Christian based group called Celebrate Recovery. CR will support you and also help you to spiritually reconnect, which is often the key to learning how to accept your childrens’ choices.

Good Luck and please let me know if you’d like any additional information,



by: Sarah

I grew up with an alcoholic father. He’s passed now but the ripple effects have just taken on a life of their own in all the adult children.

There are people in the family who are so angry, who want to stay that way through NON SPECIFIC blame they project etc. I need help because it’s finally worn me way down. I am not a bitter angry person and have tried not to inflame them but it’s a bottomless pit. It’s like if you’re not bitter as they are, they want to try and make you that way too so they’ll feel better.

I’m seeing that, although our alcoholic father is gone, there’s a new addiction in the form of blame and anger that is controlling now. I would also like to know of a Christian based group as well. Thank you

Alcoholism often effects the entire family.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Sarah,

Wow, it sounds like you’re family is really still struggling with your father’s addiction. I’m not sure when your father passed but the grief of his death may also be part of what your siblings are struggling with.

When we loose our parent we often mourn what “could have been” had they not been alcohol addicted and it makes the grief we’re feeling that much more difficult.

There are lots and lots of support meetings in the Orlando area. I would suggest you look for a Celebrate Recovery meeting at a church near your house. Just google search “Celebrate Recovery in Orlando Florida”.

Celebrate Recovery is a fabulous Christian based program that helps people with their problems often caused by family issues.

Hope this helps,


I need help too?

by: Anonymous

My fiance of 3 years is a drug addict and currently in drug court in Seminole County. I have never used drugs and I would like to help her without enabling her or triggering her addiction. Breaking up is not an option how can I help her best where is there a support group for spouses and loved ones in Seminole County?

Support groups in Seminole County.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dealing with a finance who is drug addicted is an extremely difficult and complex problem. Addiction is a disease that attacks the brain and stops a person from being who they want to be.

I recommend the you get support for yourself so that you can understand what you’re dealing with and learn to be as effective as possible as you try to help her.

Al-anon groups are often a good place to go to get the support and information you need. Working the 12 steps in Al-anon will give you new and useful insights into the problem.

Once you find meetings that you like and feel comfortable at ( hopefully at least two per week), you can begin to invite your finance to go with you. You can then both learn about addiction and the best ways to combat this debilitating and destructive disease.

Here is a website that lists Al-anon meetings in the greater Orlando area which includes Seminole County:


Good luck and start going to meetings as soon as you can to make the best choices for your relationship.


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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