Meth Addict Needs Help?

by Rob

I work as a Bible teacher in Phnom Penh Cambodia. I am involved with a lot of deportees from the States who are addicted on Meth.

One of the men I want to help, and am thinking an intervention process needs to occur. Cambodia really has no intervention program in place that I know of, other than possibly Teen Challenge. But Teen Challenge is set up for the local Khmers and is too new to see if it is effective or not yet here.

The men I work with are for all intents and purposes American in thinking. If there is no intervention program here, is it still possible to set up something similar to it? I note also there are no real after care programs here.

Any advice you would give would be greatly appreciated.

Reply to Rob

by: Jim


I serve as the Teen Challenge Regional Rep. for SE Asia. I will be in Phnom Penh Feb. 8-11, would like to meet with you. Email me at [email protected]

Meth Addict Needs Help

by: Lynette


Dear Rob,
Thanks for writing. I think the best thing you could do is contact Alcoholics Anonymous in the USA (go on the internet) and see if they can send you some literature or if you can order some. You could start a meeting where you are. It is a great organization for alcoholics and drug addicts. There are now, also, Narcotics Anonymous meetings.

As far as an intervention, I personally think it would be acceptable to try to get the addicts some help. I feel that you certainly don’t want to wait to try to help in any way you can because, unfortunately it could be deadly to one of the addicts.

If they know others have the same or similar problems that alone might help them to not feel alone and to want to get help.

I’m no expert. Just a recovering alcoholic (I have not drank for 25 years) and the mother of a son who is an alcoholic and drug addict and who is now in jail for driving while under the influence of drugs.

For families and friends of alcoholics and drug addicts there are Al Anon meetings. I attend those meetings here and they help me immensely.

I hope I have helped you at least a little. If there is a medical doctor you could speak to that would probably be helpful too.

Good luck and I’ll be praying for all of you-Lynette

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