Mother gone, need help now!!!

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Mother gone, need help now!!!

by Alexis

I am 27 yo female. My mother is addicted to precocet and Xanax. She has been gone for 5 hours now and will not return calls or texts. I have 3 younger siblings living in the house. Two 14 yo and an 18 yo whom my mother just kicked out. I need help and advice ASAP!!!!

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Is Everyone Safe?

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Alexis,
Unfortunately, dependents, for the addict, are a serious inconvenience and I can imagine that the rationale your mother is using against the 18 year-old is simply that “it’s time you left.”

It’s one less mouth to feed. There are doubtless many other issues swirling around that house and I am concerned for the two 14 year-olds. The two remaining children will likely “get on her nerves” and she’ll think of an excuse to remove them as well, or just neglect them.

It sounds to me, reading between the lines, that your mother’s disease has progressed to the point where she is no longer concerned about family and more concerned about getting enough drugs to keep her feeling “normal.” You are probably concerned about the well-being of those three, so maybe your first move is to make sure everyone is safe.

Addiction is a family disease, so it really does take a family solution to help your mother. If you are able to organize a family meeting to talk about the situation with brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles, etc. you could begin to formulate a game plan for how to get her into treatment.

I would also suggest a call to Al-Anon to receive emotional support and guidance, as Al-Anon members have been down this path and can share their experiences with you. You are not alone and there are people who can help.

If your mother is out of control you may want to consult with a local treatment center to see what steps can be taken to help her. If the situation is really bad, you can turn to law enforcement of family social services. Many churches have strong drug recovery programs, so there are many options out there for you.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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