My husband just told me he is doing drugs?

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My husband just told me he is doing drugs?

by Sheryl

Ok I’ve been married now to my husband for 2 1/2 months but I’ve known him since August 2004… we’ve dated off and on ever since then. So, I was told tonight by my husband that he has been doing drugs, smoking (crack) and I don’t know what to do about it. Part of me wants to leave him and the other part of me wants to fight for our marriage vows (better or worse) right.

I’m so confused as well as scared to death. I know when we first met 10+ years ago he told me he’d done drugs but went into treatment and had been clean so maybe that was a lie to.

Please help me on what shall I do?

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Try to stay calm but also try to get more information.

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Sheryl,

Drug abuse is a very difficult problem and you certainly need to be VERY concerned about your husband’s use of crack cocaine. Drug addiction is a disease of the brain that needs immediate treatment, left untreated it is often fatal.

The questions I would would ask are:

1. How often does he use?

2. Does he abuse any other drugs including alcohol?

3. How long ago was he in treatment and how long did he remain sober after treatment?

It is a very positive step that he admitted his drug abuse to you. Now, you and he must go to a doctor and find out what steps he needs to go through to get sober again.

If he is willing to get treatment again, your marriage can survive this. But the next year will be critical and he must be willing to quit.

I would recommend that you both begin attending 12 step meetings and working the steps. Statistics show that when both of you work the steps it is significantly more likely that your husband will be able to remain sober.

Good luck, there is ALWAYS hope,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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