What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

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What is cognitive behavioral therapy?

My wife has a drinking problem and as part of the treatment she is receiving they’re recommending cognitive behavioral therapy. I’m not familiar with it.

What is cognitive behavioral therapy and how does it help some who has an alcohol problem to stop drinking?

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Self Discovery

by: Ned Wicker

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a type of psychotherapy that stresses how we think about our situation. It focuses on our thoughts and feelings, not external things like what is happening around us.

The idea is we can change how we think, which leads to us feeling better even if the circumstances around us do not change. Unlike psychoanalysis, which can take years, CBT is relatively quick. Patients are given homework, and throughout the process the therapist’s aim is to help the patient think differently and respond differently.

The therapist is like a coach.

Alcoholics can benefit from this kind of therapy by learning what triggers their behavior, and rethink their reasons for drinking. For example, many people take their first drink just to have fun, be sociable, experiment or just for the sake of trying something new.

Along the line, drinking no longer is fun, it’s necessity. The alcoholic self-medicates.

My question is “What hurts”? What is driving that need to drink? CBT is a method that may be successful in helping your wife discover something very important. I hope she is successful.

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– Matthew 7:7-8

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