Worried about my daughter and need advice?

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Worried about my daughter and need advice?

by Linda

My daughter, Jennifer 22 yrs old, has always had addiction problems. I had her in Pine River Institute for 15 months but that was four years ago. Since then her sister has died of cancer (they were not close siblings) her brother left because their sister had died.

Jennifer has gotten worse since she was introduced to Poppers. She is heavily in debt, is not taking her prescribed anti-depressants and is very angry at me, her mother. There is suicide on my maternal side and I am worried about her.

I really need support in giving me guidance as to how I am to deal with her and her addictions. I am not including Jennifer for Christmas 1) because this is her brother’s first Christmas after her sister’s death and 2) Jennifer simply wants to fight with us. She told me to leave her place last week before she hit me.

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She sounds like she needs mental health support

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Linda,

Jennifer sounds like she is struggling and would benefit from increased help for her mental health issues.

Even though she and her sister weren’t close, the death of a sibling causes grief, which can make other mental health issues worse. Because of her anger at you it may be difficult for you to help her, but from what you’re describing she needs to be in counseling and maybe a grief support group as she tries to work through her grief and depression.

If there is anyone she is in contact with, maybe you can call them and ask them to help her to get the support she needs.

You’re in a difficult spot but don’t give up on her, there is always hope.


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“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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