Darvon Abuse Symptoms

Darvon Abuse Symptoms

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Darvon Abuse Symptoms

If you are using
Darvon, or know somebody who is using Darvon, you need to understand that the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recalled both Darvon and Darvocet, brand
names for the drug proposyphene, due to heart rhythm problems. So the most significant abuse symptom for
this drug is a fatal one. The FDA had
been working on this since 1978, fielding requests for the drug’s removal from
the market, but they did not actually recall it until 2010.

The FDA found that users experienced a dramatic change in
the electrical activity of their heart, causing abnormal rhythms and cardiac
arrest. Patients who had a history of depression or had ever had suicidal
thoughts were at risk when taking this drug, and when used in combination with
an antidepressant or alcohol, this drug was potentially deadly. Like other narcotics, it is highly addictive.

Sadly, these effects are what makes some users so susceptible
to Darvon addiction. It is just that right combination that they can’t resist.
Mention Darvon to them and it’s like you have mentioned their first love.

“I remember the first time I took Darvon, I couldn’t believe how
wonderful it was. I knew I could get addicted right at that first use. I never
wanted to stop.”

Can effect the heart
and liver function

Proposyphene is a
narcotic pain reliever and was used to treat mild to moderate pain. Darvon
users may experience a slow heart rate and these changes in heart function can
lead to dehydration, kidney damage.

An allergic reaction might be the swelling of the lips and
tongue, or throat. The troubling aspect of this drug is the fact that it can
cause major damage, or even death, even when the person isn’t abusing it. The drug that is out on the street now is
being sold strictly for recreational purposes and it is highly advises that
people avoid it.

Darvon abuse symptoms would be very similar to other
narcotic pain medications, but in general, look for some of the tell-tale
signs, such as taking the drug even though the original purpose has long

Abusers will make sure they always have enough and may even
go “doctor shopping” to have two or more prescriptions going at the same
time. Abusers will take the drug just to
feel “right” and might get agitated and irritable if denied the drug. It would not be at all unusual for a Darvon
abuser to switch to another drug, especially because of the availability of
more powerful opiates on the street.

Withdrawal usually
occurs with any opiate addiction

Another sign of abuse is withdrawal. As the person goes off the drug without any
assistance, they can experience sweating, diarrhea, nausea, insomnia. Not getting the drug may bring on anxiety,
irritability and sometimes upper respiratory troubles, like a runny nose.

Again, because of the serious health risks and the action of
the FDA, the best approach to Darvon is to not take it. It is an opiate
addiction so it has the same characteristics as all other opiates as well.

That ends our page on Darvon Abuse Symptoms, please go to our home page for more information.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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