Al-anon is it a good choice?

by Stephanie

My partner is addicted to methadone. He is currently starting at a methadone clinic. I need support.

But when I read things about Al-Anon it always seems to be focused on alcoholism–is it a good place for me to go for support and get myself healthy?

Al-Anon covers drugs and alcohol

by: Ned Wicker

Al-Anon came out of Alcoholics Anonymous, but as you and I both know, it’s a different world now than the one that gave rise to AA over 70 years ago. You need to understand the nature of addiction and how to help your partner.

Al-Anon is perfect for that and can give you the support you need to maintain strength and persevere through this time. Treatment centers might also have alternatives for you, or you can consult with your doctor, but Al-Anon is there, with thousands of locations in over 130 countries.

Al Anon is it a good choice

by: Lynette


Dear Stephanie,

Al Anon is DEFINITELY a good choice for you. My son is a drug addict. I have been attending Al Anon meetings and we talk about alcohol AND drug use. There you will meet others who are in the same or similar circumstances as you are. I find that extremely helpful and comforting. You can also often see how Al Anon meetings have helped them.

Also, the Al Anon principles that you learn are very helpful. I am trying my best to practice them and it helps a lot.

I also talk to my minister, see a counselor and see a physician’s assistant. Get all the support you can!

I would suggest that your boyfriend go to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings or Narcotics Anonymous meetings (N.A. may be harder to find). It may help him to see the devastation that drug use can cause. It is progressive – it just gets worse and worse – and worse things happen to the user.

Good luck and I’ll say a prayer for you-Lynette

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