Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Treatment Options

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Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Treatment Options

by Valerie Johnston

(East Texas)

Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Treatment Options

When someone is seeking information about alcohol addiction and recovery treatment programs it means that they have done something amazing – they have admitted to themselves that they have a serious health problem.

Whether you believe it or not, the old cliché of accepting that you have a problem is half of the battle is quite true. Many millions of people live with addiction issues because they refuse to take a few symbolic steps back to examine themselves from a bit of a distance. If they did, they would see that their habit, addiction, or “problem” is costing them a great deal. And it is usually impacting those they love too.

So, your first essential step in alcohol addiction and recovery treatment is to look yourself in the eye and admit that there is something to recover from. The next thing to consider is the feasibility of the various programs for alcohol addiction and recovery treatment.

The Options

For example, there are residential programs that are often called such simple terms as “rehab” in which you “check in” to a medical facility and safely go through a program of detoxification and counseling that helps you to understand and manage the addiction issue. The reason that “safely” is mentioned as part of the process is simply because many people who have been abusing alcohol for long periods of time can actually jeopardize their health if they cease drinking without considering the implications to their body.

Some programs are available for those who have addictions at this level. And even if a full residential program is not going to work out for the individual in need of alcohol addiction and recovery treatment, there are treatment centers that can provide a very brief, and fully monitored, detoxification program. This might mean a few days of “on site” care and then the patient is sent home in order to begin the rest of the alcohol addiction and recovery treatment program.

Usually the post-detoxification process involves something known as “behavior modification”. This is not just about the altering of physical behaviors but also about recognizing why you reach for alcohol as a solution to a problem or emotional crisis. In fact, most people come to realize that they are not only addicted to alcoholic beverages but to the physical act of drinking as a coping mechanism. This is the behavior modification that really helps someone to fully recover from his or her addiction.

After the Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Treatment

Once a program has come to an end the patient does not usually just checkout and go back to their everyday life. Instead, most patients will commit to a series of counseling sessions. These can be one on one, with a mentor, or even group therapy sessions. Having at least one person to speak with about challenges or to contact at a point when it seems as if you might drink is often a wonderful tool for overcoming even the strongest urges.

The counseling is also a good way to keep exploring the reasons that a person began to abuse alcohol in the first place, and then how to combat the urges and habits over the long term. Few people become alcoholics’ overnight and that means that recovering from addiction is a lengthy process too. Using counseling of any kind is often a very powerful and effective method of staying on track.

There are also some medications that will be prescribed for those who struggle with alcoholism because of underlying causes. Depression, chemical imbalances, personality disorders, and many other issues are often related to alcohol dependency and yet can be reduced by the use of safe medications under the supervision of a doctor.
Recovery is possible, but does take time, effort, and the use of several different types of tactics.

Valerie Johnston is a health and fitness writer located in East Texas. With ambitions of one day running a marathon, writing for ensures she keeps up-to-date on all of the latest health and fitness news.

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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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