Can I help a teen to get off drugs?

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Can I help a teen to get off drugs?

Is it possible for me as an ex drug user to get a 17 year old girl to stop using drugs?

I am one of the fortunate people who was able to kick my drug addiction before it totally ruined my life and I want to be able to get a young girl’s older sister who is only seventeen years old to stop before she ruins her life. How can I help her?

I took the younger sister under my wing. She opened up to me about her life and the lives of her sisters. She told me their mother died of a drug overdose 5 years ago. Their stepfther died the same way 2 years ago. She just turned sixteen.

Her grandparents got custody of her and her 3 older siblings to get them out of that situation. Her oldest two siblings got married when they were 18 and moved out. Now it is only herself, their grandfather and the one just one year older than she is left.

She told me they all had a different father and did not know them, but all had the same mother. She told me she hates her 17 year old sister. When I asked why, she told me it was because,her sister is a whore and a drug user and people assumed she was the same way.

I want to help her sister straighten up, but I am not sure how to go about it. Should I tell the girl I kicked the habit before I completely messed up my life? It worked with my own daughter.

I quit cocaine, LSD and Crack before I got pregnant with my daaughter, who was my only child. Being honest about drugs ruining your life is the tatic I used to keep my daughter from being a user, plus I wanted to know about the kids my daughter was around and their parents. If I suspected her friends or their parents of being druggies or drunks she was not allowed to associate with them outside the school grounds.

Unfortunately, my daughter passed away at age 16 of heart failure brought on by sever gran mal seizures. An autopsy was performed and my daughter had nothing in her system other than her seizure medication. It is the mother in me wanting to love these kids.

My daughter has been dead almost 10 years now. I miss being a mother and want to mentor other kids in a possitive way. I want to do nothing wrong in trying to help.

I need advice.

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She needs treatment

by: Debbie Wicker

Wow what a sad story you have and I’m so very sorry you lost your daughter at such a very young age.

The family you’re describing seems to be in crisis and it is wonderful that you’re willing to help them. Drug addiction is often a VERY difficult disease to treat especially in someone who is 17 years old.

I don’t think you can harm her by telling her your experience and your story. But don’t be surprised if she continues to use drugs.

You will likely need to do an intervention and get her into treatment. Treatment centers have many different approaches and will try different methods until they find one that works for her.

I would recommend you and her younger sister go to a good Al-anon program to get support as you try to help. Al-anon will train you on the best way to help and will also help the younger sister to understand what her sister is dealing with.

Good Luck and how wonderful you are to care for these kids!


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