Counselor recommended meetings, how can we find them?

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Counselor recommended meetings, how can we find them?

by Brian

My daughter is addicted to prescription drugs. She is currently in the Florida House for rehabilitation. Her counselor suggested that me and my wife attend some meetings. We live in Baltimore Maryland.

How do we go about finding meetings in the area?

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Finding the right meeting for you is critical

by: Debbie Wicker

Dear Brain,

Your daughter’s addiction is a terrible tragedy and likely is having a negative impact on your entire family. I assuming her counselor is recommending meetings for you to try to help the family to understand addiction and to learn how to deal with it successfully.

When your daughter leaves rehab she will just be starting her addiction recovery and will need your support to overcome her addiction. The more you understand about the disease of addiction the more likely that you will be effective in supporting your daughter’s recovery.

Finding a meeting is a little bit of a trail and error process. You need to find a meeting that your comfortable in and that will help you and your wife to get the support you need to continue to help your daughter. I have found that meetings held at churches are often the best meetings.

There are literally 1000’s of meeting in the Baltimore area depending on exactly where you live and what day and time works best for you.

Often the best way to find useful meetings to ask your doctor where a good AA or Al-anon meeting is. They often refer patients and can be a great resource to find a meeting.

Also, asking your friends or co-workers if they know a good meeting may help because you will be surprised how many people have addiction issues in their family and have gone to meetings for support.

Another resource I would recommend is a program called Celebrate Recovery. It is a Christian based program offered at many churches that offers healing for the troubles and problems of life. You may find this format helpful for you and your wife.

Doing a search on “al-anon in Baltimore” and “Celebrate Recovery in Baltimore” will get you started and you can refine your search by location as well.

Good Luck on your recovery journey with your daughter,


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and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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