Drug Addiction Marijuana

Drug Addiction Marijuana

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Drug Addiction
Marijuana: Marijuana, Hashish, “Hash Oil”

Most people don’t worry about drug addiction and marijuana
usage…Of all the illegal drugs used in the United States today; none is more
common than Marijuana. It is widely
distributed and there are no socio-economic boundaries.

In fact, some studies have shown that some 37 percent of
high school students have tried it.
Marijuana is easily available, relatively inexpensive, but its perceived
benign nature is what makes this drug dangerous.

THC is the active

The active “ingredient” in marijuana is
delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).
Looking much like tobacco, the leaves and flowering tops of the Cannabis
Sativa plant are dried and smoked, about .5 to 1 mg of material. Commonly, the
concentration of THC in a marijuana cigarette (“joint”) is between 10 and 40

However there are more potent forms of the drug which may
contain as much as 100 mg.

Hashish is made from the concentrated resign of the Cannabis
Sativa, and in this more potent form, the level of THC may be between 8 and 12
percent by weight. Hash Oil, a
lipid-soluble extract of the plant, may have 25 to 60 percent
concentration. This hash oil is
sometimes added to marijuana, giving a much more potent THC level. .

Most smoke it

Smoking is the preferred way of using these drugs, as the
THC is absorbed quickly by the lungs and into the blood. THC is metabolized by
the liver and converted into 11-hydroxy-THC.
Cannabis Sativa can be eaten, such as in marijuana brownies, but the
rate of delivery is much slower.

The intoxication from marijuana is similar to alcohol
intoxication. The degree of intoxication depends on how much THC is delivered
and by what means. The “high” a user experiences is a sense of relaxation and
mild euphoria, similar to the effects of moderate alcohol consumption.

Loss of motor

Even in states of moderate intoxication, the user loses some
motor function, has impaired thinking and reasoning. As the use of the drug continues, the
intoxication increases, much like using alcohol.

In most cases mild marijuana intoxication produces no
harmful long-term effects, but in some cases the THC can trigger serious
emotional problems. THC is a
psychoactive compound, and as with other psychoactive compounds, it can produce
pre-psychotic and neurotic issues.

Chronic use of the drug can increase the risk of psychotic symptoms and
can cause drug addiction marijuana related.

Trouble Signs

Trouble signs for drug addiction marijuana usage or those
abusing marijuana and other forms of the drug are similar to alcohol abuse and
other drug addictions. One might lose
interest in their job, social contacts and family. They begin to focus their life around the

Marijuana use may also accompany the use of other drugs,
such as alcohol and cocaine, as the user strives for the desired outcome. Regular use of the drug can lead to a
tolerance to the psychoactive effects of the THC, and so the user may navigate
to stronger compounds and/or additional drugs to get high.

Is Marijuana Harmful? Visit Marijuana Addiction Questions for more information.

That completes our page Drug Addiction Marijuana visit our home page for more information.

Legalizing Marijuana seems to be on the horizon in the US regardless of how bad of an idea it is.

and Finally Remember:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”
– Matthew 7:7-8

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