Fake Stories

by Aditya


I was playing cricket with my friends….. There was another team consisting ten players…. All were dopers…… I had heard about the weed at that time and was interested in smoking it……. I am now doping from last three years and i don’t feel that it’s a habit or addiction…. So please stop by presenting this kinda fake stories……

Addiction is Not Fake

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Aditya,
Not all people who smoke weed are going to become addicted. A substance use disorder is determined when the person can no longer control whether or not he/she wants to smoke.

Can you stop right now? Since you started three years ago, has there been any changes in your life, with work, with your relationships, with your health? Choice is the key here. Have you moved on and tried other drugs?

As for the stories, there is nothing fake going on. People share their stories about the relationship they have with drugs and alcohol. Research clearly shows that people who use cannibas can develop a dependence.

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