Comments for Family Member Addicted to Pain Killers?

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by: Ned Wicker

There is nothing worse than that helpless feeling you get when seeing someone suffer and you don’t know what to do. There are several options here.

First, you can have a discussion with your family doctor, who might have some alternatives for you to deal with insurance issues.

Your county social services office might also be a source for referrals in this area.

Secondly, groups like Al-Anon have members who have been through all of this and I am confident the3re will be somebody in the Columbus area who can come along side and help you.

You can make a phone call and get connected with a local meeting.

For meeting information you can call 1-888-4AL-ANON (1-888-425-2666) Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 6:00pm ET.

The important thing is for you to connect with others and get support.


by: J R M

I know a couple programs in Cincinnati, Ohio that are free and they are awesome. The only problem for some is that they are 9 months to a year but it’s well worth it.

I went through it and my life has changed dramatically only by the grace of GOD.

Look up City Gospel Mission in Cincinnati and call them (513) 241-5525.

The best thing to do if your serious is to call them and just show up to show how serious you are.

Better get on it cause the program can get really full in a hurry.

Good luck and God bless…

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