Free from opiates!

by Janey

I was a morphine junkie for two years, and twelve days ago, quit my Methadone. I was on Methadone for one year. After three years of my body having to deal with opiates being in it at all times, I am free, and feel so elated and joyous.

I want to share my success so others will realize that although the margin is relatively small of those who clean up, and stay cleaned up, it can happen. I feel confident that I can face anything now, and want to reach out to the world so they know that not every
addict is an emotionally damaged, virtually write off member of society. Opiate addiction affects all walks of life, and can happen to anyone.

Love to all those who are withdrawing, and love to those who are not but will be soon.

“Is there any drawer emptier than the one where you used to store your opium?”
– Leonard Cohen

It Can Be Done

by: Ned Wicker

Dear Janey,

You have been down a long and difficult road, but it sounds like you are on firm footing now and enjoying life again. I am glad you are off the methadone and have discovered that you can live drug free and be happy again.

It is difficult to get off opiates, but here you are, an example of a person who is willing to face the facts and deal with them. People are often their own, worst enemies when it comes to treatment and recovery.

They think it’s too hard, or they don’t want to put in the effort, or they see no point in it all and soon lose heart. It isn’t easy and many people fail repeatedly before they finally get the monkey off their back. But keep trying. It’s worth it.

You have a story to tell, so I am happy you shared it with us. Keep telling it.

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